Entries by admin

Scottish Sports Future – Wellbeing Workshops – age 11-25

SSF Wellbeing – Scottish Sports Future are delivering Wellbeing Workshops aimed at young people aged 11-25. The workshops are designed to give young people a better understanding of how physical activity and sport can be beneficial for their mental health and wellbeing. The next series of workshops will be looking at ‘What is Pressure?.  Come […]

Mental Health and Suicide – Awareness raising animations

Mental Health and Suicide – Awareness raising animations NHS Health Scotland and NHS Education for Scotland (NES) jointly developed a series of animations. The animations highlight the range of communication skills that should be used including listening, questioning and responding to help someone who may be struggling with their mental health. They also provides information […]

Linlithgow and District Allotment Society

    Covid-19 and the allotment With permission from West Lothian Council, Oakwell allotment has been allowed to remain open for members to get their daily exercise.  We have strict rules about social distancing but working on your own plot ensures that plot holders stay apart.  We have taken other steps and given instructions to […]

Burgh Beautiful Linlithgow

    Burgh Beautiful – Up for the Challenge! In a recent publication, Burgh Beautiful was commenting on the amount of rain we have had.  Now it is the amount of sunshine.  My mother who loves the sun wants some rain.  She is concerned for the farmers whose grass will not be growing to allow […]

Linlithgow’s Soilmen

    TRAVELLING INTO THE PAST IN LOCKDOWN In these strange times when we have been restricted in so many of our normal activities, walking has become part of the daily routine. It’s led me to explore more of the local area, and it was during a recent walk that I ended up taking a […]


Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! A bolt from the blue. No Marches this year. That’s how local journalist, Robert Fleming, writing in his Broadcastings by Radio column in the West Lothian Courier, broke the news that the 1926 Marches had been cancelled. He echoed the feelings of many when he wrote: “That there is keen disappointment at […]

Recycling Centres to re-open on Monday 1st June

West Lothian Council All five  Recycling Centres in West Lothian – Oakbank (Livingston), Whitburn, Linlithgow, Broxburn and Blackburn – will re-open on Monday. All five centres will be open 7 days a week from 10am – 6pm. They have been closed due to restrictions on non-essential travel which have been in place across the country […]

Support for business tenants impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic

West Lothian Council – Council Executive Meeting Tuesday 26th March Eligible business tenants of West Lothian Council will be able to request to defer rent payments in order to aid business recovery and mitigate against the negative financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The deferment of rent payments was agreed at a meeting of West […]

Linlithgow Grange Rotary – Tree of Light

These are strange, troubled times. But one positive from this Coronavirus Crisis is that we really appreciate our social interaction − taken for granted until now. Loneliness is a dreadful experience which, in the weeks ahead, many will experience acutely. Various Linlithgow organisations work tirelessly to help combat this feeling of isolation. For this reason, […]